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Miami, Florida, United States
Remove and control phosphates with regular use of Lo-Phos E+. Adding weekly will result in a cleaner, clearer, more enjoyable pool PLUS save you time and money!
Features: Powerful enzymes eliminate scum lines, oils, lotions and other contaminates Reduces chlorine demand and costs Improves water clarity Compatible with all pool chemicals and pool surfaces Maintenance usage can remove up to 500 ppb phosphates weekly 5 oz treats 10,000 gallons weekly Chlorine demand caused by organic contaminates such as oils, lotions, plant and animal waste can cause hazy water conditions, scum lines, increased chlorine consumption and difficulty managing water balance. Using Lo-Phos E + regularly during pool maintenance can significantly improve all these conditions, saving time and money maintaining your pool.
Features: Powerful enzymes eliminate scum lines, oils, lotions and other contaminates Reduces chlorine demand and costs Improves water clarity Compatible with all pool chemicals and pool surfaces Maintenance usage can remove up to 500 ppb phosphates weekly 5 oz treats 10,000 gallons weekly Chlorine demand caused by organic contaminates such as oils, lotions, plant and animal waste can cause hazy water conditions, scum lines, increased chlorine consumption and difficulty managing water balance. Using Lo-Phos E + regularly during pool maintenance can significantly improve all these conditions, saving time and money maintaining your pool.