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Miami, Florida, United States
DBI SALA 2199811 Compliance in a Can Roofer's Fall Protection Kit - Pallet of 25 roofer's fall protection kits include AJ730A reusable roof anchor, 1191995 FIRST™ harness, 1340005 rope adjuster with lanyard, 1204001 50 ft. (15.2m) lifeline and bucket.
3M™ PROTECTA® Fall Protection Compliance Kit is often imitated, but never matched. PROTECTA® pioneered the creation of a complete fall protection system available in a convenient container. The success of the original “can” spawned the creation of several variations with different anchorage devices. Each kit offers a complete set up including an anchorage device, body support and connecting component for convenient compliance and safety on the job. This “ABC’s” approach to fall protection simplifies the buying decision and makes choosing the correct system simple, fast and safe. Our easy to use kits and anchorage devices provide the perfect solution and are legendary for their performance, value, quality and safety.
Pallet of 25 roofer's fall protection kits include 2104000 reusable roof anchor, 1191995 harness, 1340005 rope adjuster with lanyard, 1204001 50 ft. (15.2m) lifeline and bucket.
Meets or exceeds OSHA 1910.66, OSHA 1926.502
Features and Specs:
Capacity 310 lbs. (141 kg)
Complete roofer's fall protection system in one handy container
Reusable and extremely durable roof anchor with fasteners (model 2104000)
Lightweight basic harness with pass-thru buckle legs and 5-point adjustment (model 1191995)
Compact rope adjuster with built-in 2 ft. (0.6m) PRO™ shock absorbing lanyard (model 1340005)
Durable and lightweight 5/8" dia. (1.6cm) 50 ft. (15.2m) blended lifeline with snap hook (model 1204001)
Durable bucket with handle
Pallet of 25 kits for added value